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The Summit Backpackers will help backpackers to find farm jobs in the local area that will count towards the second-year and third-year visas.


Local farms harvest many fruits and vegetables, including apples, capsicums, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, limes, broccolini, chillis and many more varieties of delicious produce.


Every job is different. Some jobs will be outside picking or doing farm maintenance tasks, and some jobs are in shed packing and grading produce. Some jobs will pay by the hour and others are piece-rate.


We work hard to make sure that the farm work experience is a positive and successful experience for our guests.


We expect our guests to have a strong work ethic and be ready to work in physically demanding situations.


IMPORTANT : All workers must have a valid Working Holiday Visa.

Farm Work Work in the Stanthorpe area

January to May: Picking season for apples, capsicums, broccolini, tomatoes, pears and other varieties

May to August: Vine and stone fruit pruning

June to September: Apple pruning

September to November: Stone fruit thinning


October to May: Strawberry picking

November to January: Apple thinning

Vegetable picking

Vegetable picking

Apple picking

Apple picking

Apple picking

Apple picking

Vegetable picking

Vegetable picking

Summit crew

Summit crew

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